Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Tribute to Debt

I lost my 13 year old granddog, Debt, yesterday.  He was really a grandchild of mine like any of my 2-legged ones.  I loved him so much.  For a lot of his life, he was King!!  He ruled the neighborhood wherever he lived, herding and nipping anyone who didn't follow his directions!!  LOL... At home, he did the same thing!  The kids (Shani, Simone, and Nate) loved him but no one loved him more than Nate.  Debt was there before Nate's birth and no matter what other dogs came and left (my daughter Drea fosters for a stray- rescue organization), Debt was his dog!!  I think it was a blessing that Nate was in GA this week.  Though we all knew Debt was getting old, he became acutely ill while Nate was gone.  Lately, Debt just laid around.  The spunk was apparent only when another dog got on his nerves... LOL... see, he ruled the roost right up until the end!!  I think my most favorite memory of him is when he would take a blanket and wrap himself in it!!  I loved to watch him do it and I loved how he looked all wrapped up with just that long nose of his and his eyes showing!!  Such a character!!! (I will post a photo that shows him wrapped up as soon as I can find it!)

So, Shani gave him his last bath, which he obviously loved (that's the photo above) and Drea let Debt sleep with her his last night (he usually slept in his own bed!) and then, this afternoon, after millions of hugs, kisses, and pets, he was put to sleep, with Drea, Shani and I present.  Drea held him, while he looked at me, and the vet (who was absolutely wonderful) gave him an IV medication and within seconds he was gone... I realized then that he was once again healthy and whole and very happy!!  So we felt a little bit better, but as with any loss, the pain is for ourselves and the heartache of not having our loved one around anymore!!  His memory will live on forever!

This photo is dreadful of us humans but Debt once again looks happy!  This was taken outside the Humane Society where we had him put to sleep...


  1. How wonderful that all of you had 13 special years with Debt. He took so much love with him. Hugs to all of you!

  2. looks like Debt gave lots of joy. my sympathies to all the family.

  3. So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear loved one. My dog means the world to me. We had another one we had to put down due to illness 5 years ago and I can remember the heartbreak like yesterday. (((HUGS()))

  4. Thanks everyone for your kind words. We miss our King and always will...

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Willow. Losing a family pet is so sad - my thoughts are with you and your family. Ali
